Pool Services

Pool Servicing & Maintenance Specialists

When it comes to pools we understand customer needs.  Our professional and experienced service technicians have been servicing the Sydney metro area since 1974. We offer weekly, fortnightly or monthly visits so your pool sparkles all year round.

Casual Servicing

This service is for customers who manage their own pools but require a professional on an adhoc basis to check progress or provide a casual clean.  Our experienced pool technicians can come to you.

Holiday Servicing

Have you come back from holidays only to discover a green pool or a burnt out pump?  We can take care of your pool during the holiday period so you can travel with a peace of mind.  

Commercial services

Pool and Barn Warehouse has extensive commercial pool experience.  We offer our services to real estate agencies, body corporates, swim centres, insurance providers, hotels and builders.

Call us now for a free consultation.

Filter Changing

Sand filter manufacturers recommend a sand change every 5 years to maintain a sparkling pool.  Did you know you need to change your zelbrite yearly!  

We do all filter media including sand, zelbrite and glass.  

Energy saving solutions

Energy prices have increased dramatically and are still on the rise.  Talk to our pool professionals for an energy efficient option.  We stock a huge range of eco-friendly pumps, filters, cleaners and heaters.  

Call us now for a free consultation.

For further information contact Pool and Barn Warehouse today


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